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Improvements for trajectories around oddly-shaped surfaces. |
tl;dr: I continued adding support for oddly-shaped surfaces. In particular, I made improvements to character trajectories along intra-surface edges and against concave neighbor surfaces.
What happened last week?
- I improved logic for projecting a shape onto a surface.
- For supporting oddly-shaped surfaces.
- In particular, I added support for ensuring that the character trajectory doesn't collide with concave neighbor surfaces.
- I refactored how intra-surface edges are calculated.
- And calculate trajectories for them that match the surface shape.
Laundry list
- Improve logic for projecting a shape onto a surface (for oddly-shaped surfaces):
- Fix how the path-preselection-annotator draws the edges of the selected surface.
- Update legacy project-point-onto-surface-with-offset logic to use the new project-shape-onto-surface logic.
- Fix an issue with out-of-surface-bounds shape-position projections.
- Fix an issue with 0 and INF slopes in shape-to-segment-projection.
- Fix an issue with project_shape_onto_segment mutating the RotatedShape argument.
- Add support for project_shape_onto_surface to be called with an infinite coordinate for the axis that we're projecting along.
- Fix an issue with adjusted shape values not being fully updated when redirecting to circle/rectangle calculations from capsule calculations in project_shape_onto_segment.
- Fix issue with segment-normal value for single-vertex surfaces.
- Fix an issue with out-of-bounds shape-positions not being nudged for single-vertex surfaces.
- Fix PositionAlongSurface to use the new project_shape_onto_surface function.
- Fix shape-projection to handle null-shape arguments.
- Fix some issues in project_shape_onto_segment.
- Add support for considering all middle segments and not just end segments with project-shape-onto-surface.
- Use shape-projection instead of naïve shape-based-trig for calculating rounding-corner trajectories.
- Add support for configuring in app-manifest whether oddly-shaped surfaces are used.
- Fix a divot in the playback trajectory for fall-from-floor edges.
- Implement support for handling early collisions with next concave neighbors during climb-to-adjacent-surface trajectory calculations.
- Add a broad-phase bounding-box check when checking for early-trajectory-collision with concave next neighbors.
- Consolidate project-shape-away-from-concave-neighbor-surface logic.
- Use the new project_shape_onto_segment_and_away_from_concave_neighbors function.
- Fix a bug with project_away_from_concave_neighbor.
- Refactor how intra-surface edges are calculated (and calculate trajectories for them that match the surface shape):
- Refactor intra-surface-edge creation to use a factory pattern.
- Refactor edge classes to always expect more state to be provided at instantiation time.
- Implement IntraSurfaceCalculator.create_correction_interstitial.
- Add trajectories to intra-surface-edges.
- Update intra-surface-edge distance and duration to use axially-aligned distance rather than Euclidean.
- Fix intra-surface-edge trajectory start-frame calculation.
- Fix intra-surface-edge is-degenerate calculation.
- Miscellaneous:
- Fix ceiling-surface-collision with edge-matching at end of jump.
- Implement climb-to-adjacent-surface concave-case trajectories.
- Fix edge-playback-stuck detection in SurfaceNavigator.
- Fix an issue with surface-grabs being cancelled.
- Fix A* search heuristic weight to use duration instead of distance, depending on a flag.
- Fix an issue with duplicate edge-calculation-debugging entries showing-up in the inspector.
- Fix fall-from-air-edge re-calculation in SurfaceNavigator.
- Add a check for unexpected collisions for various types of edges.
- Update action logs to print all active actions and velocity.
- Update surface-state logic to not treat character as rounding a corner when triggering wall-release.
- Add play-time to error logs.
- Refactor character-surface-state logic to still track normal physics-system-contacts while applying forced-rounding-corner contacts.
- Add logic to force a collision with the expected surface at the end of an edge, even if its trajectory falls short.
- Fix nudge-position-logic-to-not-be-too-close-to-surface-edge logic to preserve shape-projection onto the surface.
- Update edge-interruption-check logic to also consider neighbor collisions as interruptions unless they are on the first frame of edge playback.
- Add support for ending climb-to-adjacent-surface edge playback when touching the next neighbor surface.
- Add support for not detecting an edge as interrupted when touching the next neighbor surface.
- Add logic to end intra-surface-edge trajectories early when colliding with a concave next neighbor.
- Update level 10 tiles.
- Add support for left-walls and right-walls being neighbors.
- Update surface validation to happen earlier, and to only check for neighbor assignments.
- Fix a few if vs elif statements in calculate_collision_surface.
- Add a smaller font for ruler and grid-indices text annotations.
- Refactor calculate_collision_surface to support adjusting the collision normal that's being considered in order to correct for slightly-off values provided from Godot's move_and_slide API.
What's next?
- I'll finish up my current work to support oddly-shaped surfaces.
- I'll be doing another Ludum Dare game jam next weekend!
- So I'll spend most of my time this week making sure I haven't broken anything important with any recent changes in my Surfacer framework.
🎉 Cheers!
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